Uphill run (65min, 8mi, 30min uphill) - No time for a long run today. I was thinking about going for 90 minutes or so, but time started slipping away from me. I elected to kind of take a new route into the west hills via neighborhood roads. I basically ended up going uphill for 30 minutes to Fairmount near the top of Council Crest. I took it easy the whole way, so this was really just an easy strength and toughness builder. It was good. Coming back down was kinda lame, but overall I was happy with the improvisational nature of the run. (P31)
Gilgamesh Brewing, a buddy of mine from high school started this little outfit a few years back. They have received rave reviews and grown into a respected player regionally. This was my first taste, and this Oedipus IPA did not disappoint, and thankfully did not come across hop heavy. It was balanced and smooth and delicious.
Monday, Aug 3:
AM run to work (39min, 4.8mi) - Standard run to work. Seemed a little tough after yesterday's hill workout. (Zante)
PM run home (42min, 5.2mi) - Just as standard home. (Zante)
Tuesday, Aug 4:
Ride to track (14min)
Track workout (~40min, ~5mi) 3 x 400I - 100E - 400I - 100E - 400I - 600E + 1 x 400H
Ride home (20min)
-I went down to Duniway and did a track workout with Team Red Lizard for the first time. It felt good to be on the track again, but the workout itself was very individualistic in nature. There were three different options and everyone was kind of doing their own thing. So, basically the only thing I got out of this excursion was the idea behind the workout. Sure, there was a bunch of us using the same track, but for the most part I was on my own. I guess I was hoping for the communal, team nature present at track workout with the Guelph Victors and I did not get that. Not sure if it was just this particular workout, or if it's like this every time. Not too motivated to go again, but I would like to get involved with some kind of local running group. (Zante)
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Duniway Track. West Hills, Terwilliger, and trails in trees on right. |
Wednesday, Aug 5:
Hilly trail run (62min, 6.7mi) - Was on my own for this run and I wasn't really into it. Couldn't really get into a rhythm, my legs were, and I felt kinda tired. I can't decide whether or not I like my new North Face TRII shoes either. My foot seems to slide a around a bit. (TNF TRII)
Thursday, Aug 6:
Easy run (71min, 9mi) - Can't really remember this run, but I think I went from work and crossed the Howthorne Bridge, and ran down the east side of the river. (890s)
Saturday Aug. 8:
Long run w/ last 2mi @ MP (147min, 19mi, 7:43 pace) - Finished off a seven run week with my longest effort since Boston. I maintained a reasonable pace overall and felt pretty good throughout the run. I thought this route would be closer to 20 miles, and as it was I had to tack on nearly a mile once I got back home just to get to 19 miles. The 2 miles at MP (6:41 and 6:47 respectively) to finish was not planned, but I felt like I had it to give. Part of this was due to the fact I was coming downhill for the majority of mile 18. (Zante)
Weekly Totals:
- 500 total minutes
- 466 minutes run, 58 miles (7)
- 34 minutes bike
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