Sunday, July 5: Step Back Week
Long run (123min, 15.6mi, 7:54 pace) - Took it pretty deep today. Went from our house to Terwilliger, down across Hawthorne Bridge, down eastside esplanade, over Sellwood Bridge, and up the Marquam Trail. This loop can easily be extended by crossing the Steel Bridge (~18mi), or crossing the Broadway Bridge (~20mi). I'm sure I'll find out the exact distance at some point. I did much better getting up the Marquam this time. Kept up a steady pace for the first 13mi. Longest run since Boston. (NB Zante)
Monday, July 6:
Easy run (48min, 6mi) - Along the river after work. Very hot and wasn't feeling it today. (Nike P31)
Tuesday, July 7:
Tempo run (59min, 8mi) - 2mi w/u, 4mi tempo (6:46, 6:42, 6:32, 6:32), 2mi c/d - Very happy with this run. Ran from work down river path and across Sellwood to the 4mi mark, and turned around to retrace. Heat was a factor again, but I kept the tempo up regardless. Might've run the last two a little fast, but all four mile splits are right in the Marathon Pace (MP) range I'm hoping to hit in October. This is a good sign. (NB 1500s)
Wednesday, July 8:
Hilly Trail Run (57min, ~6mi) - Colin and I headed up into the OHSU/Marquam Trail system from work today. This was a great run. Harder effort than I was after the day after a tempo run, but I think I'm taking a day off tomorrow so should be good by Friday. This run just further solidified the fact trail running around here is vastly better than road running. And the road running is damn good. (NB 1400s been a while since I've run in these
Friday, July 10:
AM ride (19min, 5mi)
Lunch easy run (39min, 5mi) - Definitely needed an easy day. Feeling fatigued.
Weekly Totals:
- 345 total minutes
- 326 minutes run
- 19 minutes bike
-Planned on running some on Saturday but it didn't work out with family life. In the end, I think not running insured this was truly a step back week. Feeling more and more like a runner again. Longer and longer fartlek runs and tempo runs are in order for the next several weeks.
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